Retro Sweets Bouquet
The Retro Sweets Bouquet is a whopping collection of retro sweets, filled to the brim with the best remembered sweets from your youth. From Dip Dab to Sherbet Fountains and Drumstick Chew Bars to Giant Love Hearts, this sweet bouquet will not disappoint.
The Retro Sweets Bouquet Contains:
- 1 x Barrat Black Jack Stick Pack 36g
- 1 x Dip Dab Sherbet Pack 23g
- 2 x Drumstick Chew Bars 18g
- 2 x Vimto Chew Bars 15g
- 2 x Strawberry Refresher Chew Bars 18g
- 1 x Barrat Fruit Salad Stick Pack 36g
- 1 x Barrat Refresher Roll 34g
- 2 x Wham Chew Bars 16g
- 1 x Giant Parma Violets Sweet Tube 40g
- 1 x Giant Love Hearts Sweets Tube 39g
- 2 x Rainbow Drops Sweet Bags 10g
- 2 x Sherbet Fountains Sweet Tubes 25g
This item requires 4 days notice to order.