Chocolate & Sweets Bouquet
Give someone the perfect sweet surprise with our Chocolate & Sweets Bouquet - guaranteed to bring a smile to their face! Featuring a delightful array of treats, from Galaxy and Cadbury to Fruit Salad and Rowntree's, it's the ideal gift for any sweet tooth. Why give a boring card when you can give them a mouth-watering bouquet!
The Chocolate & Sweets Bouquet Contains:
- 2x Galaxy Smooth Milk Chocolate Bar 42g
- 1x Swizzels Love Heart Rolls 39g
- 1x Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar 45g
- 1x Rowntree’s Fruit Pastilles Tube 50g
- 1x Maltesers Chocolate Bag 37g
- 1x Rowntree’s Fruit Gums Tube 48g
- 1x Cadburys Wispa Chocolate Bar 36g
- 1x Swizzels Giant Parma Violets Roll 40g
- 1x Rowntree’s Jelly Tots Sweets Bag 42g
- 1x Rowntree’s Randoms Sweets Bag 50g
- 1x Barratt Black Jack Stick Pack 36g
- 1x Barratt Fruit Salad Stick Packs 36g
- 1x Cadbury Twirl Chocolate Bar 43g
- 1x Cadbury Crunchie Chocolate Bar 40g
This item requires 4 days notice to order.